Saturday, November 12, 2005

That's More Like It

Today is officially my first day of winter. The weather made a turn for average, and I did my 13 miles in blustery, overcast, sub-40 degree conditions. Not that it was has certainly been worse. Today just reminded me that it will inevitably get 'leave with two, return with one" cold.

I expect to hold back the pace a bit for the first 5-6 weeks and get right up to 100 miles. You guys with more experience can probably give me some guidance here. I've been running 6:30-6:40 pace for pretty much everything the last couple of months, so, for example, I held back to 7:00 to 7:15 miles today, and averaged about 7:05 for 13. Ten hours after my run I feel very fresh, even after racing yesterday. Would it be reasonable to push right up to 100 in 3-4 weeks? According to Lydiard's book, this should be okay, provided the individual tolerates the stress and is conservative regarding his response to aches and pains. Maybe I'm asking, and maybe I'm just convincing myself that it's okay to try it.

My biggest week in the last couple of months has been just over 50 miles (6 sessions), so I think this week I will shoot for 65-70, then add ten a week up to 100. Time will tell how it works out. I could find myself on the couch with a Corona by Wednesday!

Also, thanks for the comments and the welcome! I'll look forward to conversing with you all more as days go by.


Blogger Unknown

I will be interested in seeing how your body reacts to the increased mileage. I plan on starting the Lydiard program in January, and assuming I am injury free by December plan on a gradual increase in mileage through December so that I can reach 100 miles sometime in January. It will be nice to follow another beginning Lydiard follower as well as follow those with a little more experience. Good Luck!

11/14/2005 08:52:00 PM  
Blogger Chad

What's your highest mileage, have you run 100 mpw before? I think if you've "been there" before then you can ramp up quicker. However, if you're venturing into uncharted water then you may want to be more cautious.

Also, I know your 8k was a X-C race so it was probably slow. But if you're racing 8k at 6:00 pace and training at 6:30 pace, something seems out of whack.

11/15/2005 07:55:00 AM  
Blogger Eric

My biggest seven day total was 86 miles back in the summer of 1995. So, I have never been to 100. And the closest was a 70 mile week about 3 years ago.

Some recent results should clarify the pace issue. I did a 6k October 22 on a relatively flat golf course in 20:45 (5:34 pace), and a short 10k, 5.8 miles, in 33:20 (5:40 pace)October 8th. I also did a 10 miler in September just under 60 minutes.

So far, holding back on the pace is feeling really good. It will take a couple of weeks to know for sure, but so far, so good.

11/15/2005 08:39:00 AM  
Blogger Chad


If you read Mike's blog, you know he went from 70 to 100 without any problems. I tend to be more conservative, so will probably build up slower even though I had a few weeks in the 80-85 range last year.

I figured you were faster than 6:00 pace for 8K. It sounds like you have a good feel for your pacing.

11/15/2005 12:06:00 PM  
Blogger Mike

Hey, my ears are burning. I tend to think the longer you can stay at peak mileage, the better. I personally wish I could have gotten up to 100 MPW earlier in my conditioning phase. It looks to me like you could make the jump whenever you are ready. My only advice is something you already mentioned...when in doubt, run slow. Your times are already quite impressive, I'm excited to see how you benefit from the different training. Keep up the good work.

11/15/2005 04:39:00 PM  

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